Wednesday April 17th,

Today is the day i gotta go to work. my normal shifts go from 5-11. i usually work 2-3 times a week. but today wasn't a normal shift.

When i first got to work they asked me to flour 50 lbs of wings, so i did... hen they asked me to flour another 50 lbs more,  there is 2 lbs of wings per plate.  so i had to flour 50 -100 plates. 1 lbs has 6 wings on it, 2 lbs has 12 wings on it.

After i finished the wings i had to go drop 24-30 wings into the deep fryer. after i finished that, i had to go help make garlic bread... there was 2 big boxes of it so it took a while. the time went by sooo quick

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